Today, the world is facing major, highly complex global challenges that affect society as a whole, from climate change and artificial intelligence all the way to population growth, the solution of which may even become a question of survival for humanity – and free, high-quality basic research plays a key role in this.

Science for a better world

TU Wien Foundation’s task is to enable and promote this scientific excellence in fundamental research outside of established, economically relevant areas. As a foundation of TU Wien, a globally recognized site of technical and scientific excellence in research and teaching for more than 200 years, we work to promote outstanding researchers and their projects with the aid of supporters’ commitment, thereby enabling the implementation of successful solutions.


The TU Wien Foundation operates in Austria and beyond to benefit its reputation as a center of the knowledge and innovation.

As a research university, TU Wien combines basic and application-oriented research with research-oriented teaching at the highest level of quality. Its graduates as well as its researchers make a significant contribution to the transfer of knowledge and technology to society and the economy, thereby ensuring the international competitiveness of our country.

Through knowledge, TU Wien Foundation opens up perspectives for the future

One of the most important resources for shaping our future is knowledge. This must be expanded and passed on a continual basis.
Through strategic initiatives, the TU Wien Foundation supports top-class scientists in realizing the best possible future prospects and it supports young people in shaping their professional lives on the way to success.

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